Sunday, June 9, 2013

Are Electric Invisible Fences Really A Good Dog Training Tool?

Dog training can be frustrating for any dog owner, but certain dogs need a lot more attention than others. If you have a problem dog, this article is for you. In this article, we will provide the best tips for training a dog that is seemingly resistant to any training that you attempt.

Not all dog training needs to involve food based treats. Some dog breeds respond better to non-edible rewards. These rewards could very well include stuffed toys, rawhide bones, or rope toys. They will also have the added benefit of giving you and your dog a new activity to enjoy together.

Spend time each day training your dog, even if for only a few minutes a day. Dogs respond well when they get to practice what they are learning and what they have learned. Practicing at least 15 minutes a day on commands your dog already knows keeps the dog in practice.

One-on-one training sessions can be the way to go for some dog owners. One-on-one training can be extremely flexible for your schedule. It is also often priced per session. This means that for a dog that only needs a few sessions, individual training might be less expensive than group.

If you're tired of your dog pulling on the leash while walking with you, here's a simple training method. Take your leashed dog to an outside place that is familiar to both of you - such as the backyard - then begin to walk. If your pet stays beside you, right at your thigh, reward it with a treat. If the animal rushes forward, stop walking. If it wanders off for some reason, say "let's go" in an upbeat way and turn and walk another way. When it catches-up with you, give it a treat, and if it doesn't catch-up, pull gently on the leash until it gets the point. In this way, you reward good behavior and don't have to be unduly harsh for bad behavior.

An easy way to stop a puppy from biting is to act hurt when he or she nibbles at you. By startling your puppy with a noise and leaving the room, your puppy begins to learn that biting has negative consequences in the form that you will stop playing with it.

One tip to keep in mind when training your dog is to ensure that you make it absolutely clear to your dog what it is that your are disciplining it for. This is important to avoid confusion and to teach the dog what is desired and what is undesired behavior. An example of what to avoid is hitting your dog hours past and in a different room from where it shredded your couch.

In conclusion, we have provided the many ways that you can attempt to train a dog who has previously proven to be, nearly impervious to training. As long as you follow the steps provided, you should see at least, signs of success. Keep in mind that every dog and every owner, needs to find what works best for them.

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