Tuesday, June 25, 2013

There Is No Need To Stress When It Comes To Training Your Dog

Knowing how to effectively train your dog is not an intuitive process. Many times, we fail to remember that dogs simply don't speak English, and they often don't know what we want them to do. This article details some easy-to-implement things that you can do as a pet owner to have a better behaved, happier dog.

Digging can be a troublesome behavior with some dogs. One way to address this is to create an area where your dog is allowed to dig. Hide some of his favorite toys in the area, bury dog treats, and encourage him to spend time there. This can keep your dog out of your favorite garden and help him to enjoy your yard.

Dogs benefit from being trained to respond not just to verbal commands but also to the body language of their owner. Consider, for example, a dog that is approaching its owner from across a busy highway. The dog who is trained to stay in response to the proper hand motion will be more likely to survive this experience than the dog trained only to verbal commands.

Exercise is an important part of any dog's training program. Animals that are restless and cooped up are more likely to act out and have difficulty following instructions. Taking your dog out for a daily walk or bringing them to a local dog part will help them to be successful.

Don't force your dog to go into his crate. Instead, profusely praise him when he enters his crate on his own. Young puppies, in particular, might be somewhat afraid of the crate when it is first introduced. If you force them to enter it their fear might turn into terror. Their natural curiosity will eventually override their fear.

While training your dog, it is important to maintain a calm voice, even if you feel frustrated. If you get angry, your pet is not going to enjoy learning and will not respond well to your commands. Your dog should enjoy the training process rather than dread it.

Dogs are commonly referred to as "man's best friend," but when they are unruly and untrained they can be a nightmare. The old adage that one cannot teach old dogs new tricks is false, but it is definitely easier to train a puppy. Dogs are ultimately pack animals and it is important for a dog owner to be the leader of that pack.

Well trained dogs are happy dogs and dogs that are trained make for happy dog owners. It is a win-win situation. Training your dog takes time, but it starts with house-training and moves onto learning how to walk on a leash. Simple commands such as heel, sit and return are important for any dog's safety. Dog owners can find pet trainers via their local big box pet store or the veterinarian, but it will take a lot of work from the owner regardless. A dog that is well trained makes a happier pet and really happy pet owner.

Most people find that, with a little bit of dog training, their relationship with their dog improves tremendously. And as you can see, training your dog, while not an intuitive process, IS a much easier process than most people think. So put some of our suggestions into practice, and you'll see for yourself!

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